Secret Message

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
— Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Oh what an adventurous Soul you are!  You are the Infinite, the vast deep Mystery

Dreaming a fantastical dream, taking a Grand Adventure into the Great Unknown.

You crossed galaxies, worlds, and the Cosmos, giving up the Great Knowing.

Becoming innocent and losing yourself in the dream

Only to begin a journey back to yourself…back home.


Your Deep self has always been calling you back home.

Through all your life experiences.

All of life’s events…through relationships, sunsets, nature, conversations, and books…

Through the whispers in the wind and the songs of the birds… all leading you home.

One constant call, one special, secret message… in a language that only you can understand.


You have been playing hide and go seek, finding yourself again and again. 

From the depths comes a whisper, calling to you, seeking you…

It’s message is not known by others or even by your own mind.

It speaks directly to your Spirit, reminding you of your true home

Although unexplainable, it can be felt in your entire being and treasured in your heart. 

It’s meaning lies Beyond the mind

In the formless essence of who you are.


My True Home


Let Go